Design Systems
Together with the documentation experts at Drivve, we’re currently developing the new knowledge management platform Drivve|KM using a modular design system.
A digital marketing strategy for one of the world’s leading app developers, including a redesign of the website, handmade case studies, and a weblog.

We’re supporting Magmapool’s marketing with a content strategy, responsive design, and technology consulting.

VF Verlagsgesellschaft
VF is the publisher of Oldtimer Markt and various technical magazines. They are establishing a modular, responsive publication system with the help of Opoloo.
Publication Paradigms for Longform Web Content
10 practical tips for advanced online publishers, handpicked from Opoloo’s experience.
Version 1.0 of our home-made open source blogging platform for mobile publishing, including a Ruby Gem.

Business Calendar
Conceptual and visual redesign of the popular Android app, brand and website redesign.

La Voix Humaine
Development and design of an interactive opera smartphone experience.
Information architecture, UX, and consulting for the news-startup that makes local journalism transparent and democratic.
Development of a responsive knowledge base and realignment of Aktivoptik’s digital strategy.

The experts for virtual business- and callcenter-communication asked us to help with a structural redesign.

CRP Felixx
CRP develops complex planning software for infrastructure. We supported their team with modular data structures and design guidelines.
We gave the popular Android podcasting app a redesign sweeping swipe, including Material Design guidelines.

250 handmade icons in 5 sizes and 14 colors, icon font, and source code.
- Homepage
- GitHub

UX is King
An interview with the app expert Taylor Ling about Material Design, Android and UX.
“Firefox OS App Development”
Lecture at FrankfurtJS by Max Boll about the development of a Firefox OS App.
Berliner Philharmoniker
We helped the best band in the world develop their Android Digital Concert Hall streaming service.

Secret DJ
In three workshops, we built a new architecture for the Android and iOS apps.
Development of a support platform for Mercedes Benz’ social media strategy.
We supported Tesco in their development of their first Android tablet Hudl with design guidelines and visual design elements.

jQuery Plugin
Plugin for the live preview of selected files before they are uploaded on the server.
The Last Website
An immersive multimedia storytelling experiment for mobile devices and Google Chrome — a collaboration between Opoloo and the Brothers Chapman.

Floppy Disk: Happily Saving since 1980
Revision of an outdated metaphor of saving and a new alternative.
Stempel Malter
Architecture & redesign of Germany’s leading stamp manufacturer, including an online stamp configurator.